Pro-Cut's 2022 BIG the ROTOR MATCHING TOUR left world headquarters in West Lebanon, NH on Friday April 1 (no fooling) headed out to touch each of the Lower 48 and personally introduce our great products to shop owners and technicians across the country. The route heads south, then west, then meanders east. There are bound to be some great stories. We'll keep you posted here.
THE DRIVERS are various members of the Pro-Cut sales and service team, each taking week-long stints at the wheel.
THE TOUR GUIDES are our wonderful collection of independent reps across the country. Each will host for 1-2 days and introduce us to friends and partners (and future partners) across their territory.
THE BUS is a converted Ford F550 that has been outfitted with an inside, air conditioned!, demo area where both the B17 bench lathe and X9D on-car lathe will be set up and operational.
IF YOU'D LIKE a VISIT : email to get on the list!